YIP News
Dear Dream Makers and Friends: Our Youth Impact Program at the University of Hawaii is making transformational change!
In 2021, after three…
Hawaii YIP Teacher Joe Leikus – Opening lesson at the University of Hawaii Honolulu (7/22)“We the People of the United States, in order to…
Dates: July 22-24 2021
Location: the University of Hawaii at Manoa
This will be a 3 consecutive day mini program.
A little Hawaii 5-0 for you from this past Wednesday, July 14, 2021, Riki Ellison talks about the return of the Hawaii Youth Impact Program on…
Dear Dream Makers and Friends of YIP,
In our effort to make social change and impact goodness to bring out and break out of the challenges we…
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Dear Dream Makers and Friends,
We led out in front of the community to put YIP in front to make social change in our nation. It is something…
Dear Dream Makers and Friends,
Home to the United States Air Force’s Close Air support combat-proven A-10s and elite USAF Pararescue last…