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To Lead our YIP Programs in making them Dream Makers for the Communities we serve, inspire and give to, we are announcing Aine Nakai as our Youth Impact Program National Director.

YIP is Dreaming Big and being Big as we lead our academics for our young girls and boys into the exposure of system engineering and space in 2025. We will also be expanding to add to and to further solidify our current Girls Youth Impact Programs this year.

YIP’s special cauldron of exceptional leadership and mentorship forging trust and dreams within our communities and institutions is at our core foundation of making dreams come true.

Aine brings 25 years of service to the Air and Space Force as a military member, contractor then civilian working across the enterprise in Space Acquisitions, the stand up of Space Force Talent Management, as well as special initiatives for STEM outreach and the recruitment of top talent to become the next generation of Space Professionals.

Welcome Aine to our Dream of the Youth Impact Program

Dream Big, Live your Dream to Give your Dream.

Dream On!

Permanently Impacting Our Nation’s At-Risk, Inner-City Youth