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On Tuesday July 9th, Coach Beeman and 20 members and coaches of the UH Wahine Basketball team hosted draft night, kicking off our third Girls Youth Impact Program in Hawaii. In addition to this group of winners, we had Mayor Rick Blangiardi and SGM Canady of 94th AAMDC cheering on our largest class of campers for our girls’ program yet. Families and friends from all over Oahu came out to support our middle school campers pledging their intent to not only compete like a champion, but to personally commit to develop academically and show up with great attitude every day to the 9 day camp run at UH Manoa.


Our camp kicks off on July 10th, where 100 campers will engage with UH Wahine Basketball, Military Members, and DOE staff to generate a winning attitude around leadership, values, basketball, and STEM based academics. Our girls’ program will stretch beyond plays on the court, and focus on building the confidence of these girls through programming in Hawaiian Studies, Improv, and Yoga to generate a holistic approach to mental and physical training that is required to balance sport, academia, and leadership. And while these middle school girls gain the skills to continue as successful student athletes, the Wahine Basketball team is given the opportunity to develop their mentorship skills and the Military mentors are integrated into the community they serve. While these teams are integral to the success of the program, our community sponsors (First Hawaiian Bank, Roy Yamaguchi, Roberts Hawaii, Coca Cola Hawaii, and over 20 local restaurants) that make the program possible for our youth.


Permanently Impacting Our Nation’s At-Risk, Inner-City Youth