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Hawaii YIP for Girls participants enjoying the ‘Pearl Harbor Experience’ STEM based educational tour


Dear Dreamers and Dream Makers,

The Nation’s first-ever YIP for Girls is making history in Hawaii with a new, innovative, cutting-edge curriculum crafted and tailored specifically for young ladies. The program is developed with focus on ‘connection’ of the three major components consisting of STEM based academics, character and leadership development, and nutrition and athletics.

In addition to the three-part curriculum, the University of Hawaii Rainbow Wahine Head Coach Laura Beeman selected special topics such as positive social interaction, mental health and integrated exceptional female role models as guest speakers to inspire, educate and inform young ladies, to complement and connect with leadership fundamentals designed to foster a greater understanding of the YIP Ethos, seven YIP core values for application in daily life, ultimately leading to a personalized DREAM CARD that captures and represents all the above and presented at Graduation.

To provide stimulation, exposure and access, the girls enjoyed a field trip, the ‘Pearl Harbor Experience,’ educational tour to the USS Missouri, Pacific Aviation Museum and Pacific Submarine Center, with STEM focus, designed as a career exploration opportunity to inspire interest in aerospace, submarine, maritime and other high-tech career fields, along with a better understanding and appreciation of Hawaii’s rich military history.


Touring the USS Missouri during the ‘Pearl Harbor Experience’ 


Career exploration at the nuclear power exhibit at the USS Bowfin at the Pacific Submarine Center 


Learning the Preamble to the US Constitution, YIP Ethos and seven Core YIP Values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage


Hawaii YIP girls enjoy basketball with the Big West Champion Rainbow Wahine student-athletes



Hawaii YIP Girls benefit from words of wisdom from role model and Army Major General (Ret) Suzy Vares-Lum, the first female General Officer commissioned from the University of Hawaii Army ROTC program, now serving as President of the East West Center


We are witnessing amazing teamwork to positively and permanently impact the lives of Hawaii Girls through the engagement of a team of 45 Mentors consisting of superb military leaders from Army and Marines, dynamic DOE teachers and the Champion Rainbow Wahine basketball team. All Winners! All Dreamers! All Dream Makers!

One Team!

Be The Dream! Give the Dream!

Riki Ellison

Founder and Chairman

Youth Impact Program

515 King Street, Suite 330

Alexandria, VA 22314


Permanently Impacting Our Nation’s At-Risk, Inner-City Youth