A Special Night for Alignment
Dear Dreamers and Friends,
We were Dreamers, all of us, on Saturday night in Tucson Arizona at the Arizona Football Stadium as the University of Arizona Wildcats won their 3rd game improving 200 percent from last year and our University of Arizona Youth Impact Program improved 200 percent from last summer’s YIP with their USAF Davis-Monthan wingmen and Tucson public school teachers. We are in alignment with the University of Arizona and were introduced, honored, and recognized by the University of Arizona during Halftime on the game field. The Field of Dreams for our Dreamers!
It was a wonderful and impactful experience for all of our 10-13 year old YIPsters for they saw their dreams in person in their Airmen and Airwomen, their UofA Football players, and their accessibility to attending this great University to pursue their careers. It was real in all of our eyes, especially theirs. We brought them to this specific game to attend with their parents, giving them food vouchers to purchase stadium food and drinks as well as Arizona Wildcats gear. They experienced the college football game day with all its pageantry and unfolding drama of the game. They played to win with their heroes sitting next to them, watching their hero’s on the field compete. This sets the seeds for these young seedlings to grow into massive groves of trees of courage, leadership, and goodness for our community in Tucson.
Bear Down and Dream Up!