USF YIP 2009
In its first year of operation, the University of South Florida Youth Impact Program served 107 at-risk boys, consisting of 32 6th graders, 53 7th graders, and 22 8th graders. As at all other sites, the vast majority of these students were minorities, with 80% being African-American, 10% being Hispanic, and 10% being of some other racial group, including Caucasian.
The University of South Florida YIP program was populated by students who attend schools that are located in Hillsborough County. According to data provided by the Florida Department of Education, three of the seven schools in this area are receiving a “C” or below on the Florida A+ Plan, and five of those seven schools have only met between 60% and 70% of the federally mandated guidelines of the No Child Left Behind Act. Based on this data, 50% of students at four of the seven schools are reading below grade level. In addition, in these same schools, less than 50% of the students are at grade level in mathematics.